It occurred to me that after the January 6th riot, many of the people who truly believe they have been cheated by the system can fall into depression. It is like their whole world crumble. They may feel abandoned as human beings.
I'm not talking about the rioters that were looking for an opportunity to cause havoc. I'm talking about those who cried while stating that they have no option but resort to extreme measures.
Regardless of what our political views are, we cannot forget that behind the scenes are real people with real feelings. The effect of facing with our beliefs being destroyed is like a glass castle crumbling to pieces. People will feel lost, purposeless, discredited, ousted, ostracized, looked down on, and a host of other things. Many will fall into depression and some into deep depression.
How are we going to help those who will fall into hopelessness, helplessness, despair? The burden to heal so many will fall on all of us because mental health professionals will not have the capacity to handle the demand. Our communities will have to do some heavy lifting to help those in need.
Beliefs are extremely difficult to change. Just think of religion...
We must exercise compassion, patience, and non-judgement in all of our interactions with all who need help healing.
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