One of the hardest thing for depressed people is to take the first step for getting help. I know, I've been there. It took 10 years, 2 episodes with cancer, a break in career progression, and a ton of perceived physical pain (yes, it was not real but I was still hurting). Here are some tips to start on the depression road: Ask a friend or family member to help you to make an appointment and accompany you to see a doctor. You can see your general practitioner since depression is fairly easy to diagnose. They can get prescribe an anti-depressant immediately and refer you to a therapist. Educate yourself about treatment methods by reading. Learning about possible treatments (medical, psychological, life skills) is an essential part of developing skills to deal with depression. For example, there are a lot of misconceptions around what therapy is and can do which can lead to not reaching out, disappointment due to unreasonable expectations, and a plethora of other out
Tools, tips, information for anyone affected by depression. Follow me @depressionroad1 #DRoad #depressiontips